Student Blogs

“The Office” and Steinway & Sons

November 11th, 2010 lanepo14

Today, I’ve decided to write about the popular show called “The Office”.

Although I am a recent fan, thanks to my boyfriend who had me watch all 6 previous seasons this past summer alone, I am caught up! 😀

I am not sure whether or not you have seen any of the new episodes of Season 7, but this episode was especially great. I would talk about the plot, but I won’t ruin it for those who missed it. In honor of the memories I’ve had the pleasure to experience this show (with my boyfriend, my friends, and now my roommate), here’s a video of Ali (best roommate ever) playing the theme song in the basement of Mulledy.

I don’t know the arrangements of other residential halls, but I love the fact that there is a piano, a pool table, study rooms, a kitchen, and a lot of tables for big dinners in the basement. The piano, particularly, is my favorite aspect of the basement. As you might have read from my previous post, I’ve been learning “Landed” by Ben Folds.

I am beyond grateful for having kept up with playing the piano. Growing up, my grandma had a grand concert Steinway & Sons. I grew up with both her and the piano. She has always been such an inspiration to me. Her improvisation, her determination to play the piano despite her limitations (her hand can barely reach an octave), and her accompaniments always taught me the art of appreciation for music. Although I haven’t perfected the song I wanted to post a video of, I have something here that I wrote that I feel is relevant to both the art of music, the love for my grandma, and the constant reminder to never let go what you love.


She holds her ground with thin, short, but strong legs. What was once black is now white. Actually, it is now her wire-like hair that stays gray and as usual it is always neatly in place. Parts of the black shine is faded and the gold logo defaced. Scratches and chips from previous damage and tampering exposes her legs and body. She is beautiful even with her scars. The scars remain as evidence of the life lived- legendary. The majestic sounds once created by her beauty are unrepeatable. Despite her monumental presence, she is fragile, temporary, and depends on her purpose- music. For when the legend is without music, she becomes forgetful and forgotten. The majesty of her beauty exhibit wrong form, wrong key, too slow of tempo, too fast, frantic, or worse: silence. She has  many needs beside her purpose. She depends on what gives her life- soul. With the dependency for soul, her needs grow.

She depends on the passions for her soul- faith and love.

She depends on the justice for her soul- talent.

Most importantly, she depends on the artisans for her soul-

those who are brave enough and have not forgotten.

The strike of the high E is flat.

She has not being taken care of for she has been forgotten.


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