Student Blogs

High Lights

April 15th, 2011 lanepo14

I’ve been a bit busy at Holy Cross lately but I’m here now and I’m just dropping by to keep you all updated. It’s really starting to warm up which is extremely exciting. There’s NO snow, some rain, and just this past weekend we had a whole lot of…. highlights?



The point of highlighted edge is to wear  bright colors, an old white tee, and of course draw on the tees using highlighters.

Me and Jackie- Special thanks to my friend Katy for her photo taking skills and awesome camera.

Hana, Me, Jess, and Jackie.

Hana, Deirdre, Kristina, and Jess.

My crazy friends who I love to death.

Angel Wings on Neema's back.

Ali, Neema, and Jackie.

Intense photo of Deirdre and I.

Ali and awesome photographer/ camera owner Katy.

A bunch of us.

Most people think of the edge as a sort of a lame, on campus, overly supervised event. I would beg to differ considering….

THE AWESOME TURN OUT. What a fun night!

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