Student Blogs

Ugly Sweater Partay

December 29th, 2010 lanepo14

Hands down, I am so glad to get that family stuff OUT OF THE WAY. There was just wayyy too much family and to be honest, it was very overwhelming. Today and yesterday, John and I decided to bake a cake for the very important attendance of an “Ugly Sweater Party” that my friend, Christine, is holding. John and I decided to make a red velvet cake with butter cream frosting MMMMm. 😀 For some reason though, the cake kept on crumbling more than usual so while applying the frosting the crumbs got everywhere.

Our cake wearing an ugly sweater and yellow underpants.

John and I in our hideous sweaters- brought to you by SALVATION ARMY on Halsted.

This is an unbelievably awkward picture.

My group of friends playing PICTIONARY.


This, my friends, be Jeremy. He is also a friend of mine and he is FANTASTIC at Pictionary. His pictures are drawn with precision, speed, and proportions. 😀

Jeremy's "cupcake". We never got it.

Jeremy's "Black belt". We also didn't get it.

Overall, this was such a fun night. We had so much food and so much fun catching up with our friends. We also played catch phrase which was unbelievably fun and it was great to just hang out with friends and not family for a change.

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