Lauren Nepomuceno '14

This weekend was crazy, fun, and busy to say the least. WHERE TO BE GIN? FRIDAY, PERHAPS.

FRIDAY 11/05/10:

  • I had class and then I finished season 2 of Mad Men (I’m catching up). I am seriously becoming very close, if not already, addicted to the show. The cast is excellent and the dialogue is divine. If you haven’t watched a few episodes of Mad Men, I would seriously recommend it.

  • Then, I went to the Black Stone Valley plaza with transportation provided by Holy Cross. It was a girl’s night out and I stopped by Michael’s and got some Holiday Festive decor and then we ate at Apple Bee’s. I love the holidays, decorations, and everything about the season. There are 48 days until Christmas as of today, 11/07/10, and I’m still counting!
  • After Black Stone Valley, my friends and I stopped by the Holy Cross Hockey game. It was sort of disappointing. The score was 3-2 Guests. We actually scored and the puck deflected out of the net. The referee didn’t count the goal… so disappointing. Then with only a minute left, we had no goalie in and an extra forward and the opposing team scored without the goalie. The final score was 4-2, but it really should have been 3-3.

The Hockey Rink at Holy Cross.

Play that caused a fight in the 3rd period.

Jackie, Ali and I

Ali and Jackie

Hana and Deirdre

John and Mike

  • After the game, we went back and chilled for a bit and I started learning the piece “Landed” by Ben Folds on the piano.

I know the picture is inverted (yours truly, Photobooth via macbook), but this is my "Landed" sheet music.

SATURDAY 11/06/10:

  • My routine is like so: sleep in, maybe do laundry, maybe eat breakfast, maybe do some reading. Today was different. We had brunch at the Hogan Ballroom because the presidents of Holy Cross were having a fancy lunch / dinner all day in Kimball.
  • After brunch, the girls and I got ready and we headed over to Black Stone. We had girls afternoon out and got our nails done and I stopped by [so and so store] and got John (my boyfriend) [so and so gift] because I thought of him and felt like it. The reason why I had [so and so X] was for the purposes to keep John guessing and eventually NOT figuring out what I got him. ๐Ÿ˜›
  • Then after that, I did laundry and homework. I’ve become so pro at laundry, it has literally taken me less than an hour and a half to wash and dry one load of laundry, fold them, and properly place them away in their rightful drawers. As you can tell, I take serious pride in my laundry.
  • After that, I met up with the girls again and the Frisbee teammates/friends of mine who had to go through initiation that night. As an assignment, the guys had to wear a skirt, a dress shirt, and a tie. The girl’s floor of Mulledy was raided by men in a hunt for skirts. The girls had to wear slacks, a dress shirt, and a tie. By the end of the night, each new member will be given a new nickname.

    Deirdre- Now known as "Bambi"

Kevin (aka "Sonic" like the Hedgehog) in Ali's skirt and Ali.

Ali and Dan (aka "Baloo" from the jungle).

The Boys- ?? I'm not sure what his name is, Eric aka "Oso" Spanish for bear, John aka "Hermes" Greek God, Dan aka "Baloo" from the jungle.

Kevin aka "Sonic" and Alex aka "Kaiser" for German Emperor.

Neema, aka "Simba" from Lion King, running away from the camera.

Once they were done with their official initiation process, we met up with them and of course we partied had fun!

Sunday 11/07/10:

Friday and Saturday were all fun and games and now it’s time for work. Studying, sleeping, eating, reading, and studying. I also played piano. All in all, it was so worth it.

Then at 8 pm, there was a mass held in the basement of Mulledy by Father McFarland.

It was a calm and stressful end to an awesome weekend, but the weekend recreational activities definitely prevailed the necessary, but busy, work needed to be done.

The thought of having a new home can be relieving, adventurous, and maybe a bit frightening. I was definitely excited to go to Holy Cross, but I felt that I was abandoning a part of me. I was leaving behind my friends, my family, my boyfriend, my dog, my hometown for all my life, the Midwest, and basically everything that I’ve been accustomed to my entire life.

Coming here to Holy Cross makes me realize that all th0se things that I once “had” doesn’t have to be entirely gone. I place quotes around “had” because the past tense normally assumes a finished act. Yet, I feel that once you claim ownership of something- a thing, person, place, idea, philosophy- that ownership will never fade. I feel that because at one point in your life, it wasย  you who made that choice to have that ‘something’, that choice then becomes apart of you forever.

I guess what made me think about this was going to mass near the beginning of the year. My roommate, Ali, and I went to the 10 am mass on Sunday and I listened intently to Father McFarland‘s homily. He spoke about how as human beings we were made to love and be loved. He also discussed the importance of overcoming that fear to love and the fear of allowing others to love you. I thought that this homily couldn’t have been more relevant to my personal life. At the time, I had my questions and doubts about a long distance relationship and I was scared. I was scared of getting hurt, being disposed by him and my friends, I was scared of disappointment.

I’m not here to write a homily or to convert you. In fact, I’m normally not the kind of person who takes church seriously (that has changed incredibly since attending Holy Cross). Yet, I learned a valuable lesson: I shouldn’t fear leaving home because that love for home and the people associated with home will always be there and will always be apart of me. If that undoubted love will always be mine, then why not? Why not take care of that love? Why give up on the beautiful gift given to man- the ability to love- and what flourishes from love itself, life?

I know that this sounds like too much of mature discussion to have for a 19 year-old girl just starting college to have, but I believe that Love is not judgmental. Love does not have reason or a ‘preference’. With that said, Love is universal and timeless. I know I may seem “late” or maybe I didn’t highlight the extent of Love I have for those at home, but here’s a shot.

My Loves (past, present, unknown)

1. My family is crazy and fun. They are always there for me and seeing them makes me liven up to the holidays even more so than the jolly season’s effects. Even though I am in college and more independent than ever, I will always look to your advice and hear your stories. You’ve taught me so much and brought me to where I am today.

This is only an incomplete side of my very large family.

2. For those who “were” once my friends. We “had” a good run, but it’s not over yet. Maybe we can overcome what we couldn’t understand. Hopefully with reason, we can move on with peace.

3. I love these guys to death. I would honestly say that my senior year was the best year. We got so close, so late in the game, but with a valued friendship so unmistakably accepted. My senior year would not have been nearly as enjoyable and fun had it not been for them and my “gahhlllfrrieeendds” to pull me out of my sad blues. I miss and love you guys so much!!!

My friends from back home- Post Prom

4. That’s him, John, my best friend and my boyfriend. I can only count out 5 or less days that we didn’t see each other in person during the summer. I feel like I’ve known him forever. We’ve helped each other grow so much and although our relationship seems recent (6 months dating as of Nov. 4th), he has made such a positive impact on my life.

John, my boyfriend, and I from Prom 2010

5. My Holy Cross family! I am so fortunate to have you all as family here. We coordinate dinner and lunch together, our weekends, and we study together. We have “girl talk” and “serious talks” and it’s definitely a healthy, reflective lifestyle we have. I wouldn’t have been more comfortable and confident about where I am at now had it not been for this family. For all soon-to-be-Saders out there, I pray that you find the same comfort that I have now while attending here.

6. Dear unknown, but welcomed, friends:

I can’t wait to meet you! Hurry up so then I can include you in more posts to come. okay? thanks!


For those who follow my blog, you can probably tell that I strongly believe that for viewer purposes-even though most of us reading this will be young adults or adults- we are still like kids.


Because that is my belief, I am going to make every attempt to at least include a few pictures in each post.

Today was another busy Tuesday on top of the hill. I had an 8 am Calculus class where we reviewed for the math midterm that I’ll be taking tomorrow- WISH ME LUCK! In my Montserrat class, we reviewed Descartes’ Meditations. In Chemistry, I learned about the different kind of bonding and geometry structures. In Spanish class, I studied los participios pasados, los irregulares de esos participios, etc. etc. Then, I had SPUD TUTORING!

At the Salvation Army Center, I found my buddy, Calvin, again. He had difficulty eating his snack due to a lack of utensils. He decided that it was best to suck the Jell-O out of the container like a vacuum. The Jell-O was bright red and spilled all over his crisp, faded blue polo. I ended up cleaning his mess like his mother.

Then, I finally got him to do his work. I was fortunate to find his packet for the week but I couldn’t find his book- his backpack is normally a mess. We ended up finishing the entire packet and for the reading, I replaced it with another book.

Calvin's connect the dot and colored sea horse.

I was so proud of him (as usual) that he finished all of his work. He colored every required object in, circle each picture, connected his dot, and practiced each letter. He really is such a smart kid.

After that, we even had time to play games. Calvin decided he wanted to play air hockey.

Calvin playing his version of air hockey.

Calvin’s air hockey game consisted of him hitting the puck as hard as he can where the puck eventually bounced off of the “hockey rink” and fell to the floor. Let’s just say that he was a professional at his own game of air hockey.

There were also other kids there too playing games like foosball.

Rubio playing foosball

Zakiah who had difficulty turning the knobs

When I looked at these kids, I thought,

“wow, they have it so simple. I remember when it used to be like that.” I felt so old. I know that adults reading this are thinking,

“This Lauren Nepomuceno is silly”, but I really just couldn’t believe or couldn’t even start to imagine how simple of a life I had one time. My life seemed so different. Was that once my life? What happened? I WANT THAT LIFE BACK. I knew that my thoughts were rash because life is supposed to be difficult to make it worthwhile. It wasn’t until I got into the Holy Cross van on our way back to the school that I learned a lot more about these kids than I expected.

Their lives weren’t simple. Their lives weren’t simple at all.

Marsha, a Holy Cross volunteer, told me about one kid who was running out of paper in his notebook. His mom wouldn’t buy a new notebook because they couldn’t afford it and his mom got angry at him for using so much paper.

Kate, another volunteer, told me how Calvin and his brother, John, are always at the salvation army center. They have their afternoon snacks there and they normally have dinner there too each night.

As Calvin’s helper, he has paper’s from September and his read to your child form is never signed.

One of the Salvation Army “Sergeants” told me about a girl there who has intense ADHD. Her parents could no longer afford for the medication and she is now having behavioral problems and difficulty in school.

Another boy there who’s only in grade school is already saying, “I’m not going to college! **** College!”

Another girl couldn’t get dropped off at the center by her parents so she gets hit on by homeless men on the street.

As much as I love SPUD and the kids, these stories make me so angry. They leave me with so many unanswered questions and it drives me crazy! Where are their parents? Where are their influence on the child’s life? the child’s education? Why not spend a dollar on a notebook? Why not have dinner with your family? Why not empty out his folder? Why not read his handouts? Why not read to your child? Why can’t you afford medication? Why is medication so expensive? What about your education? What about your life? Where does this negativity get harvested from? Language?! What about a 5 minute car ride? Why can’t you give her 5 minutes of your time?

This title reminds me so much of my Montserrat cluster- Core Human Questions- that I feel like my dorm room has transformed into my classroom in O’Kane. This room can be shapeless, without definition. Yet this place can be entirely dependent on the what I think for there is no right or wrong, but a subject of perception. What is the subject? The subject is whatever the heck I want it to be! Does this make perception ‘imagination’? Does this make my perception of reality completely false? I guess it does.

This is why I love Halloween. I can be whatever I think I want to be. Sure it can be scary to think of everything you see not being what it truly is, but the role of the deceiver can be fun!

This year, for the sake of convenience and for not wanting to spend any money, I was a ninja for Halloween. It turns out that within my group of friends there were 3 ninjas , 3 assassins, 1 Ms. Staten Island, 1 Fat Albert, 1 Toga Girl, 1 Swedish girl, 1 cop, 1 ballerina, 1 witch, 1 Danny phantom, 1 flapper, 1 raisin girl, 1 Popeye, 1 lumberjack, and 1 guy in a pink bathrobe.

Me as a crazy ninja

Ali and I as ninjas- the 3rd one John wasn't in the photo ๐Ÿ™

Ms. Staten Island and Toga Girl

Ninja (John) vs. Assassin (Kevin)

Toga Girl, Fat Albert, and Jackie

Ballerina, Swedish? German? maybe Dutch? girl, cop

Assassin killing fellow Ninja

Flapper and Toga girl

Twin bros- Popeye and Lumberjack

Assassin, Fat Albert, and Robe guy?

The 3 inferior assassins (sorry assassins, Ninja for the win!)

The following pictures were taken Katy Drumbakis. Thank you so much, Katy with your awesome photo taking skills (with the helps of Alex ) and the efficient use of your professional Nikon that perfected the quality control of these memories. Again, I thank you.

Raisin Girl

The witch

Danny Phantom

The Majority of the Group

Overall, this was such a fun night and a great day. Earlier that day, my parents were still in town so we had an ALANA (persons of African- American, Latin American, Asian American, and Native American heritage) brunch in Hogan, our student campus center. The breakfast was delicious and we had live performances and speeches during the brunch. After the brunch, my parents and I went to the Wrentham Village outlet mall that was only 30 minutes away from Holy Cross. I am IN LOVE with outlet malls. I rarely find myself paying full price for an item because I constantly shop for discounted deals at the outlet. I wouldn’t say “I’m cheap”, I’m sure no one would say that about themselves, but I try finding within my own means and the outlet mall is the way to go. Now that I also got my ZIPCARD activated, I can just rent one of the cars provided on campus for the day and shop like crazy. I think it was poor move on parents to take me there, for like the Rocky Horror Show says in “Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me”,

“I’ve Tasted Blood and I Want More.”

By my tasting and desire of blood, I don’t mean human blood. Instead, I long for the blood of nothing more than the luscious savor of red tags on discounted items. ๐Ÿ˜€

I’m sure a lot of people reading this may have a brother. Even if you only have a sister(s) or if you are an only child, there is still that one peer in your life that you respect and look up to in your life. That person is my brother, Edward. I wouldn’t say that my brother and I are “biffles” (BFFLs- Best Friends For Life), but I guess we’re pretty close. We used to fight constantly as kids. Those childish games and wars ended when he left for a public boarding school for high school. I saw him every weekend, but it still changed the environment of my home. Our house became less lively. Edward going to a boarding high school was like an extended goodbye for when he left for college. It definitely made the transition for when he leaves for Dartmouth a lot easier.

It didn’t occur to me until recently that my brother cares and maybe looks up to me. He would never openly express his feelings towards me, but I know. Like when I was flying home for fall break, he asked me what I was up to (it had been the first time I had heard from him in 4 months). I responded,

“I’m in the airport. I’m going home. How are you?” He didn’t reply. It was until I was already home for fall break that my mother told me that Edward had called her asking,

“Is everything alright? Why is Lauren going home?” He would never express his concern to me. Then I find out from my mother, again, that Edward wanted me to go with them to visit Dartmouth for the giant bonfire this homecoming weekend at Dartmouth and Parents’ Weekend at Holy Cross. I have never been more motivated in my life to finish my weekend’s homework on a Thursday night. Here’s why:

  1. I haven’t seen him all summer- He left Flossmoor to work in California over the summer while I stayed at home enjoying my senior summer and then I finally left for Holy Cross.
  2. I didn’t see him during fall break- He goes to school in Dartmouth and they don’t have a fall break.
  3. He won’t be coming home for Thanksgiving break- This means I won’t see Edward in another 2 months for Christmas.
  4. That would make it 7 consecutive months total and no brother. CRAZY!

I stayed up until 4 in the morning on Friday to get my work done. I don’t regret it. I saw how Dartmouth’s upperclassmen and sophomores treat their freshmen (it’s sort of a mean tradition), I had a nice dinner with my family, I got all warmed up by the bonfire (by warm, I mean my forehead felt like it was getting sunburnt), and lastly, I finally got to see my brother.

My brother and I in the Las Vegas wax museum (Winter of 2007)

The Interesting Homecoming Tradition at Dartmouth.

(I personally am not a fan because I am a freshman myself)

1. They make the freshmen parade around the campus led by police men on bicycles and a bagpipe player.

2. They make them run around this bonfire- unlit.

The 2014 bonfire before covered in flames.

3. Then they make the freshmen run around the same bonfire that is now lit, while screaming at them, “WHY AREN’T YOU RUNNING!?!?” “GO TOUCH THE FIRE!” It was definitely amusing, but sort of a ridiculous request to make over 1000 students to run 115 laps (115 laps is for the 115 years of this tradition).

Giant bonfire!

Class of 2014 on fire... literally.

I am proud to say we don’t have ridiculous and sort of hazardous traditions at Holy Cross. It was enlightening though to see other festivities at other schools. I certainly won’t forget this and I don’t think I would see traditions similar to this one experienced at Dartmouth. Overall, I am glad I visited Dartmouth. I saw my brother for the first time in awhile and it was definitely great to finally keep in touch with him 5 months later.

Normally, I don’t like Tuesdays. I have all four of my classes on Tuesdays which make Monday nights the worst. Lack of sleep and waking up at 7 am for an 8 am calculus class is not a good combination. My day constantly gets better after my 8 am class when I have a “mind explosion” of a Montserrat class. By ‘mind explosion’, I mean all prior preparation for college and knowledge in general about what you thought you knew to be thought was entirely wrong.ย  Either way, I leave that class feeling deceived and confused. At the same time, I feel enlightened and powerful like I have this new heightened senseย  of understanding- I think. On top of that, of course, I have my math online assignment due for Wednesday and if I’m really lucky, I have a Chemistry test too! My day is set: classes, studying, dinner (optional), and studying.

Besides all the bad in Tuesdays, I have one positive aspect that I live my Tuesdays for. That one thing is SPUD (Student Programs for Urban Development). I volunteer at the Salvation Army Center on Tuesdays for 2 hours. The center can be used for several programs but I participate in tutoring kids around the area as an after school program. The kids range from pre-k to 8th grade. The kid that I work with normally is a kindergartner named Calvin.ย  Calvin is the funniest and cutest kid ever! We work on reading, his penmanship, letters, numbers, adding, rhyming of words, and other activities.

Today, I had to drag Calvin out of the “snack room” for Lord knows he LOVES his cookies. Then after finally getting him seated, I opened his backpack. He has a blue folder and a blue pencil box with broken crayons, worn down pencils, and three glue sticks. In the smallest pocket of his backpack, you can find a juice bottle that’s sticky on every surface and a zip lock bag encasing a half-eaten, crushed donut. In the very back pocket, you find a down winter jacket.ย  I assumed he didn’t need it in seventy degree weather.

I opened his folder. Inside the folder, I find stuffed papers from September, permission slips for his parents to sign, old returned assignments, notifications of fire safety and drills, and this week’s homework packet and reading. I think, “where are his parents?” I let the thought slide as I knew we had more important things to work on. Unfortunately for today, I couldn’t find his packet. Maybe he remembered it was Tuesday and he “accidentally” left it at school or at home. I did find the book he had to read, so we reviewed the reading. I had to improvise and came up with a worksheet to work on capital letters. He started getting the hang of it.

Calvin finishing a work sheet

Calvin saying, "ALL DONE!"

Calvin's smile... or lack there of.

He finished the worksheet in no time! I’ve been working with him now for the past 3 weeks and I always feel proud of him whenever he finishes even the simplest of tasks. Like last week, we were able to finish a week’s worth of homework in one day! Calvin is such a smart kid!

Today was different a very special day at the Salvation Army Center. Homework time was short and the “sergeants” decided to throw a Halloween party. They had arts and crafts, food, sack races, bobbing for apples, other games, and face painting. Lucky for me, I got to paint faces! There were so manyย  faces to paint and all were different.

Calvin is so crazy! That's his real smile, by the way. He was a "rockstar" with a zigzag across his forehead, a mustache, and glasses

Calvin with Kate

Jamie and the kitten face I painted

Jack painting Iron Man

Me and "kitten"

Iron Man in process

Finally, Iron Man!

Jennilee as a 'scary clown'

Jennilee and I

Vampire/rockstar? in Process

vampire/rockstar mix?

The most difficult request I had. I'm still not sure what I painted.

Darth Vador, vampire, devil mix?


Painter and Vampire

This kid's original request was, "I want two dragons... FIGHTING!"

He decided on Godzilla. Props to Jack for painting the Godzilla and props to Kate for the picture.

Butterfly that I painted and me!

Angie as vampiremix?

Calvin's brother, John. I'm not sure what the zigzag means.



Each night when I look back on what kind of day I had, my opinions vary from , “that quiz was bad” to “I had such difficulty on X simple task”, “I miss home”, “I love my friends”, “I miss my dog”, “I need sleep”, “I had a pretty good dinner”. Simply stated, my thoughts vary and are innumerable!

Yet, now that I’m back in my room studying for chem, finishing math, watching glee, and thinking about maybe playing some intramural soccer, I realize that maybe my Tuesdays aren’t always about studying, studying, studying. As I am reflecting about my day and the many Tuesday nights I’ve had the blessed opportunity to have, I notice a pattern. The pattern is potent, if not tangible.

Each Tuesday night, I have one feeling and one thought in mind: nostalgia and

“I had such an incredible time at the Salvation Army Center.”

Today, my friends and I took the free weekend shuttle bus (provided by Holy Cross) to Boston!

It was a group of 14 of us plus my friend’s girlfriend (Dan’s girlfriend by the name of Marisa) to meet up with us at Cheers! pub/ restaurant in Quincy Market.

Friends in Boston (L-R): Christine, Ali, Neema, Jackie, Katherine. (2nd row)- Ali (Roommate), Jess, Alex, Mike, John, Sean, Joel, and Dan.

Everyone from before- minus Katherine, plus me.

On our walk there, we saw all the beautiful trees covered with lights. The stores were already closed since it was already 9 o’clock. It didn’t matter, it was a nice wander through Boston. It was pretty chilly though, but so worth the walk.


Boyband pose- Dan, John, Neema, and Alex

Observing the Night sky with closed stores

Trees with Christmas Lights

John and Ali

Jess, John, and Mike

hahaha my good friend Dan!

However, there was a man who played the drums on various surfaces like buckets, metal grates on the street, tin cans, and just about everything. My friend, Joel, started to freestyle with the man. It was awesome! At the end, the man entitled the song on the spot, “!” My friends and I were not reluctant AT ALL to bust out the wallets. It was such an inspiring moment that set the tone for the rest of our time there in Boston.

Then we went to the restaurant called, “Cheers!” I’ve never watched the sitcom and I didn’t know that while entering this restaurant that this was the replica of the actual bar. It was until I read the menu that I knew what this restaurant was all about.

The Cheers menu that enlightened me about this place and history of the show


Jackie and Neema

John, Mike, Christine, Alex, and Ali

Dan, Katherine, Joel, and Sean. That's Alex's blurry finger as well.


Our conjoined tables.


Let me just tell you that I’ve been to Boston once before this year and once before that years ago. I really don’t know the names of most of the things I saw or took pictures of. If I found something beautiful, I took a picture. If you are from Boston, I hope that you’re not offended… I’m just not from the area at all. I hope that one day, I will get to know the area well enough so that if any of my friends or my boyfriend were to visit me from Chicago, I would be able to tell them about EVERYTHING- Names, dates, significance etc. I do know one thing for sure about tonight though- we walked around Boston Common! Which is a park with trees, an ice skating rink, a fountain, and a playground (which OF COURSE we are ALL TOO OLD TO BE PLAYING ON. :P)

Dan, Alex, and Neema with Arnold Jacob โ€œRedโ€ Auerbach- Coach and General Manager of the Boston Celctics for 29 years.

Joel and Arnold Jacob โ€œRedโ€ Auerbach wearing Dan's hat.

Cobblestone roads and barrells for trashcans- I LOVE IT.

Clock tower- I don't know the name ๐Ÿ™ Can anyone tell me?

Fountain- again I don't know the name. ๐Ÿ™

John and Jess

Ali and I infront of the fountain in Boston Common

Christine and Ali kissing the (prince?) frog.

Joel and Neema in front of giant statue.

This last picture was taken while we were waiting for the shuttle to bring us back to Holy Cross. It was freezing out, but it was a night worth remembering! Now I’m back in my nice and warm room. I’m ready to take on this nasty cold with some Robitussin and shortly fall asleep. If anyone knows the name of this last statue, the clock tower, and the fountain, please tell me! Questions, comments, and concerns are also all open to the table.


Hey everybody! This is my first official post on my first official blog (besides xanga and bloggers-that doesn’t count). I will not lie and say “I’m not excited” when really…


Here’s a little taste about me:

My name is Lauren Nepomuceno and I am one resident, of very few, from Flossmoor, IL. I attended H-F High School, which is a large (class ofย  about 750+ students), public, and very diverse high school.

I participated in various extracurricular activities throughout my high school career. I played soccer for most of my life and in high school played my freshman and sophomore year. I was in the marching band (I play flute and piano) and policy debate for all four years. I was also in National Honors Society where I volunteered for the Chicago Marathon, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer foundation, refereeing for the Soccer Special Olympics, and helped with blood drives and tutoring kids through the school. Spring of my Junior year, I traveled all over Spain and experienced two unforgettable home stays. During my junior and senior summer, I volunteered in the Emergency room in local hospitals, where my passion to become a doctor grew. I also worked with Habitat for Humanity in New Orleans for my senior summer. Finally, I’ve attended policy debate camps at Marquette University, University of Michigan, and Northwestern University.

Besides extracurricular activities, I am a normal kid with lots of friends (whom I love dearly). Although, I left the Midwest to travel out East, I will never forgot the memories I had with my friends back home. College is new but with the friends I’ve made here, it feels like I’ve lived with them forever. I have an awesome roommate, name Ali. She’s also a Midwest Girl from Ohio and I am so glad I got paired with her. She’s the most understanding and sweetest roommate ever and we do everything together.

This is my roommate, Ali, and I at the homecoming football game.

I had suchhhh difficulty uploading the pictures with the proper alignment so please enjoy. If you are a perspective student or curious parent, please feel free to ask any questions or comment. I will be glad to answer and respond to any questions or concerns! Lastly, thank you for taking the time for reading this first post of many more to come!

Enough with the words.

Here is our room in





Our bulletin!

On my wall you'll find old school polaroids of my friends, Abbey Road, Kangaroo crossing sign from Australia, Vinyl records of Led Zepellin, Jackson 5, Hendrix, and Michael Jackson's Thriller, and one of my own drawings.

iHome, TV desk lamp, and Dr. Phil!

Right next to my bed is a last minute reminders whiteboard and polaroids of my family and boyfriend, John.

Here is our fridge, microwave, fans, window, and coffeemaker.

This is my bed- colorful and filled with tons of pillows and pictures!

This is my dresser and closet. **Shoe rack, laundry hamper, towels the works!**

Desk, computer, pictures, and books...and books...

This is my bookshelf- books, cleaning product, and food!